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Writer's pictureAsh | Career Pursuit

Are you a biz owner trying to do it all yourself?

pulling hair out

Running a small business is no small feat. As an entrepreneur or business owner, you find yourself wearing so many hats – from managing day to day business to overseeing finances. Amidst this whirlwind, the task of hiring the right talent can be overwhelming. Often you're finding you need some support, but you don't have the time or the knowledge to do it, so you're still stuck wearing all the hats and on the fast track to burnout.

If you're feeling the pressure of having no time, lacking knowledge, or struggling to hire for the right fit, you're not alone. Let's explore the challenges and introduce a valuable solution.

Before I get into that I want to share my own experience as a small business owner. 

For me, I genuinely enjoy working. Before I met my partner, I was perfectly happy working all hours, working unpaid overtime, and partying and hiking on the weekend! 

Now as a business owner, I still enjoy working. And actually probably enjoy it even more. It’s not just work and challenging myself, but it’s also my break from family life where I do get to use my brain and not just play Bluey and Mums & Dads over and over again. The issue with this is that I put 100% of my focus on my clients, so much so that other areas of the business leach into my personal and family time. I smash out all my client work during my time-blocked working hours, and then the time for working ON my business bleeds into my personal life. While I try to ensure that my family time is protected as much as possible, the reality is those non-incoming earning tasks still need to be done and they do take time. Things like doing my socials, or working on a mastermind I’m currently doing, or scheduling my email newsletter, or reviewing my offers, or doing invoicing, all those things… I usually find myself on the couch at 10pm doing this sort of thing, after I’ve given up trying to do it with the baby at my feet before he went to bed. 

Balance is hard, and the struggle is real!

⭐ So no, you’re not making it up, juggling every part of a business against an ever ticking clock is exhausting. Even when you love your business and what it does, I can just about guarantee you don’t love every part of the business. Tasks like recruitment can seem more like a chore taking you away from what you love to do. What I want for you is the opportunity to focus mostly on what you love doing and what makes you thrive and outsource the rest.

⭐ Did you start your business to be a recruiter? I’m guessing not (unless you’re a recruitment business…in which case why are you here? ha). Hiring the right person takes a certain amount of expertise, you need to get the skills but even more importantly the right culture and values fit. The hiring process can be a minefield with so many opportunities for missteps, is that really where you want to focus all your time and effort for the 4-8 weeks and even longer this can take?

⭐ For a few of you, debilitating fear of making a mistake is holding you back as well. You’ve spent your precious time, dollars and energy getting your business to this point, what if you hire the wrong person and they burn it all down to the ground? If you’re suffering from this worry, the hesitation is not only going to stop you from hiring, but it may also slow your ability to grow your business and put extra strain on yourself or the others in your team.

So what is the solution?

As much as I’d like to click my fingers and make the challenges go away, the reality is I can’t do that, but I do understand your challenges. When I finally reached out and found additional support to make my business run better it was daunting but guess what, I’m able to help more people because I’m sharing the load and focusing on what I love to do!

So here’s what I propose to help you get through this current hurdle:

🌟 Get expert guidance. Find a resource and trusted Hiring Partner who understands your unique challenges. Tap into their knowledge and experience to help navigate these new and scary waters.

🌟 Working with a Hiring Partner will help save you time and streamline your processes. This way you don’t have to be entirely consumed by hiring and can share the load with someone who knows each step and can help you to make the right moves.

🌟 Focus on cultural fit. More than anything I believe finding the right fit for your team and your business..and let’s face it you, is the key to hiring the right person. Many skills can be taught, depending on the role, but values alignment cannot. If you have someone who you believe is capable of doing the job but has absolutely the right attitude that’s worth so much more than someone who has been doing that job for years but is burned out and unhappy.

🌟 Get a customised solution, yes you can go to a recruitment agency to put a body in the seat, but small business has unique needs and a Hiring Partner like Career Pursuit can tailor services to your needs.

It’s easy as a small business owner to feel like you need to be all things to all people, in fact when you very first started out you probably had no choice but to be the business manager, the sales person, the bookkeeper and the cleaner. I’m hoping by the mere fact that you’re here today reading this blog post it means that you’re ready to step forward into a new way and share one of those hats.

So what does all this mean? Well, it means you don’t have to let uncertainty, lack of knowledge or time issues hold back your business growth. Make 2024 the year where you get empowered and take the reins with dedicated support to ensure you can continue growing! Do what you do best!

This is what Career Pursuit is here for, we’ll partner with you from the moment you think you need help until you’re satisfied that you have the team you absolutely need, and of course leaving room for any changes or further growth you experience in between.

Ash ✨

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